Refund Policy

30 Day Money Back Guarantee

Most web hosting companies offer a 10-15-day money-back guarantee. We are so confident about our service that we back it with our 30-day unconditional money-back guarantee. If our services do not exceed your expectations, we will refund your money immediately. No forms to fill out, no questions asked.
To receive a refund, simply submit a help ticket to the Billing Department with the title "Refund" along with your;

All refunds will be made within 24 hours of receipt of cancellation - no questions asked! Our refund policy does not apply to any additional items or services, this includes but not limited to Domain Registration, Domain Parking services, dedicated servers, virtual private servers and overage fees. Any accounts terminated by Hostafirm for violating our Terms Of Service do not qualify for the 30-day money back guarantee.